I know I’m premenstrual when…

… I want to throw up reading  friends’ soppy or motivational Facebook status updates or tweets.

… I want to correct the grammar in said status updates/tweets (e.g. “It’s ‘kudos’ not ‘kudo’s’ – what’s a ‘kudo’??”)

… I’m reeeally sensitive to noise. We have a grader working on the road outside today and I want to petrol bomb it.

… I’m sensitive to bright light. Close those curtains please!

… I feel like I have no friends. At all. Sob sob. (My rational mind tells me I have tons of lovely friends – the irony is that when I have PMS, I know I need to keep away from them as I am not good company!)

… I feel pretty pathetic generally… everything is a struggle, even simple things like hanging up laundry. “Just stay ON the rack, you stupid sock!”

… I get flashes of extreme rage. Usually triggered by idiot drivers or call centres.

… I get a bit paranoid and suspect that everyone’s out to get me. And then I cry.

… I get impatient with stupid people who ask questions that they could easily find the answers to if they made a smidgen of effort.

Add to this the more common symptoms of bloating, headaches, teariness, tender breasts, etc. and I’m a real barrel of laughs. My solution? Cocoon myself away with chocolate, tasty meals, Nurofen and a good book and wait for it to pass.

Anyone else have symptoms like this? How do you cope with them?

3 thoughts on “I know I’m premenstrual when…

  1. You have just described the PMS me to a tee. I occasionally bury my head in the sand and deny it’s happening. In addition to the chocolate, there is typically a lot of wine involved. Plus, I hate to admit it, but exercise does help – if for no other reason than to give a direction to the rage.

  2. OMG. Hi, me!! It’s like, I don’t even have to look at the calender when my fuse is short already at the beginning of the day and I could care less about anything else — PMS time!
    I just…..deal, lol.

  3. Jeez, all them symptoms are so accurately like mine, I didn’t notice this one, and was wondering if i’m normal lol, I look different the week before my period, like its not me in the mirror like i’v changed or something and look abit worse for wear! I get bad paranoia, plus the not wanting to see people. I deleted everyone off my Facebook last month lol. I can’t take birth control as I have factor v leiden. Suppose I gota live wit it! 😦

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